Welcome! The path that leads someone to look at becoming Catholic is unique to each individual. At Holy Spirit Parish we follow a process called the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults). The information on this page will help explain this process by answering some basic questions. Please contact Roxane Kadrlik Chlachula, Pastoral Associate, for more information.
The OCIA process is for adults as well as children older than 9 years.
The OCIA is the process by which men and women become members of the Catholic Church. It is an ongoing process; there is no formal start time. Interested individuals begin whenever they make contact with the OCIA coordinator.
The process takes place within the context of the parish community and after a suitable period of formation, determined by the coordinator and the individual, culminates in reception into the Catholic Church. The formation includes several areas:
Currently the OCIA group meets every Wednesday evening from 7:00-8:00 PM.
In the Emmaus Room which is found within the parish office area in the SE corner.