Fr. David Medow, our new Pastor, is a native of Chicago but has served as a priest of the Diocese of Joliet in Illinois, ordained June 2, 2001. Fr. David is a convert to Catholicism, having been raised in the Swedish Lutheran tradition and was an ordained Lutheran minister from 1985-1996. He is married to Jane for 45 years. Jane, who is a "cradle Catholic" is from Great Britain (Fr. David met her while attending her university for his Junior Year Abroad - the University of Sussex just outside of Brighton, England). They have two adult children: Nikolai (Katlynn), in Anoka, MN and Hannah (Jon), here in Rochester. Nikolai is a digital marketing and social media specialist for a pharmaceutical company and Katlynn is an RN. Hannah is a School Psychologist for the Rochester Public Schools (assigned to Bishop School in Northwest Rochester) and is also a patient at the Mayo Clinic. Jon is a sergeant in the United States Army. Fr. David has known Bishop Barron for thirty years and was his student for many years at Mundelein Seminary just outside of Chicago. Fr. David is a graduate of Georgetown University, Oxford University, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, and at Mundelein he pursued the Doctor of Ministry Degree, the Licentiate in Sacred Theology, as well as three years of theological study in preparation for priesthood. While he grew up in Chicago, Fr. David's mother was from LaCrosse, WI and his maternal grandmother and all that side of the family were Norwegian Lutherans from Rushford, MN. As a priest he served at St. Mary Immaculate Parish in Plainfield, IL, Notre Dame Parish in Clarendon Hills, IL and has lately served as Director of Pastoral Care and Mission Integration at Marian Village, a large Catholic Senior Residence Community in Homer Glen, IL.