Congratulations on your Confirmation! As you continue your journey of faith as an individual and also part of a worshiping community...
You may be wondering...Now what?
What is expected of me after I am confirmed?
How am I different...AM I different?
How do I continue to live out my faith?
Chances are, many of you have had these thoughts. Your faith needs to be nurtured just as your mind and body need nurturing.
Here are some opportunities for you to continue to grow in your faith:
Volunteering within our community is so important. When we follow in the footsteps of Jesus and help our fellow man, we not only show our love for our neighbor, but we also feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. There are so many opportunities to volunteer within the Rochester community. Here are just a few:
Salvation Army—Ring bells at Christmas time for the Red Kettle Drive (and many other options)
Food For Kidz—Pack food to be sent to third world countries to feed the hungry
Holy Spirit Church—Be a Lector, Usher, Cross Bearer, Nursery volunteer, etc.
Join (or Form) A Small Group
YDisciple is a great starting point for a small group! You can access it through our FREE membership. If you would like to join a YDisciple group OR start your own, please contact Mary Nowakowski and she will get you started!
Take a few minutes to check out this video. This is the first video of the YDisciple program. It will give you a good idea of what the video series looks like. Each video is between 4-10 minutes long, then you discuss it with your group and move on to the next short video.